Intellectual Virtual Agent

Created by team IVA on July 24, 2023

At IVA we are building fully autonomous and intelligent human-like virtual agents for support departments. Our solution will independently be able to handle both simple and complex customer requests learning as it matures employing the same characteristics as a human would when replying to an email or phone call. The virtual agents will be constructed and based on the functions chosen by the client such as character, manner of communicating, values to represent, experience level, industry knowledge and more. The product can be fully integrated with any CRM and ticketing systems client already has without the need to purchase or install a separate piece of software.

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"Presentation is outstanding. Application seems to be missing technical documentation. Hard to verify the agents knowledgebase and capability. Overall good direction."


Ervin Moore

PhD Computer Science Student

"great work, although it is not new idea, but you presented it very well to the market where we need it most. keep going"


Walaa Nasr Elghitany

Data scientist and doctor