OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Top Builders

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OpenAI GPT-4

GPT-4 is an OpenAI's 4th generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a successor of ChatGPT. It is a multimodal large language model that uses deep learning to generate human-like text and it can accept image and text as inputs. GPT-4 is OpenAI's most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses, it hallucinates less than previous models and is a major step forward. There are two versions with context windows of 8192 and 32768 tokens, which is a significant improvement over GPT-3.5 and GPT-3. OpenAI introduced the concept of "system message" that can be given to chat-optimized versions of GPT-4 in order to set the tone and task of the response.

Relese dateMarch 14, 2023
TypeAutoregressive, Transformer, Language model


A curated list of libraries and technologies to help you build great projects with GPT-3.

  • Research Paper Open AI's GPT-4 research paper
  • Product Page GPT-4 Product description page
  • Playground Quickly create and test your GPT-4 app ideas. You need to choose Mode: 'Chat' to be able to use GPT-4

OpenAI GPT-4 AI technology Hackathon projects

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