Tarinyoom is a Discord chat bot that allows users to search for messages using a fuzzy search to better retrieve past messages. The bot uses the co:here API "Embed" tool to map discord messages onto their corresponding embedding vectors. These vectors are then stored in a back-end pinecone.io instance, so that their cosine similarities can be evaluated. The bot has two main commands: "/tsleuth" and "/tsearch <string>". "/tsleuth" instructs the bot to crawl the server that the command was issued in, storing the vector embeddings of any messages found as entries in the pinecone.io instance. "/tsearch <string>" instructs the bot to find the message whose vector embedding most closely resembles the vector embedding of the passed parameter, as evaluated by pinecone.io. Using these two commands, users can search for a past conversation with only a high-level recollection of the topics discussed, instead of having to exactly match to text in that conversation, as required by the current Discord search feature.
Zo:diac is an interactive web app that provides unique, personalized horoscopes on-demand to users. It prompts the user for their information, including their birth date, and then returns a horoscope specific to their astrological information. It then allows the user to specify a topic, which zo:diac will then return additional horoscope content for. This process can be repeated, allowing the user to delve deeper into their astrology by generating new content. Both the initial horoscope reading and followup topic-based horoscopes are created using co:hereβs generate endpoint, by modifying the input prefix to get the appropriate output. The application is created using react, and hosted by cloudflare. It can be accessed either on a desktop or mobile browser. The app is available at: https://zodiac.tarinyoom.io/