Founder, NLP Expert, Software Developer
1 year of experience
Software Engineer with more than 16 yrs of professional experience, played various roles from IC to Head of Engineering at Decacorn. Technology learner and Tinkerer at heart and currently dabbling with amazing world of Deep Learning and Transformers.
On daily bases we use to surf the internet and put lot of bookmarks and after that when we again went it for a bookmark, we trouble a lot there Keeping this in mind we created a AI application, so it can manage all the bookmarks and put in separately in the different tags. In this way it becomes super easy for the user to quickly jump on the what he/she wants to see Every user who surfs the internet on daily bases can use it very easily ThankYou
AI Assisted Intelligent Inbox solution to automatically categorize your emails based on your feedback and preferences, saving you hours of manual triaging, and making you more productive, efficient and effective
YouTube has a vast and high quality educational content. But most of it is in English. This is a disadvantage to non-English speakers. BabelTube plans to democratize learning by enabling non-English speakers to generate subtitles for any video on demand and on the fly. It integrates directly with YouTube web player using Chrome Extensions, and uses the same interface used by YouTube to display its subtitles. So the user experience of this app is also on par with that of YouTube's own subtitle display.