Looking for experience!
The goal is to provide an interactive tool for visualizing research papers in a 2D map where the papers are placed on the map based on some vector embedding of the summary. The papers that are similar to each other will cluster together. This will allow researchers to identify papers that have similar concepts and even allow users to look at concepts from different fields that are applicable in their own field.
The existing search bar in most websites performs keyword search. A slow and arduous process in which the user has to read through a myriad of information before finding the tidbit that they wanted in the first place. My goal was to create a question answering tool that can be easily integrated into any website. It allows you to find specific information, provides answers in a clear, understandable way and includes sources and more information should the user need it. Presenting Web Indexer. Developed to significantly improve the user experience by providing a service that ChatGPT, Google and standard search bars cannot. This project was made for the AI21 labs hackathon organized by lablab.ai.